Okay, the road to Hana! As we left the hotel, Byron (who had brought up our bags when we arrived) gave us beach towels and encouraged us to get banana bread in Ke'ane, which we promised to do. Keri had done this tour a few years ago, so did all the driving and left me to gawk at the marvelous scenery.
My trip to Multnomah (Oregon) a couple of years ago left me a little waterfalled-out, so we looked at them on the way but didn't really stop. For me, they weren't the point of the drive. Here's where we did stop: Pa'ia (for lunches), Ke'anae Peninsula - absolutely gorgeous (and Byron was right about the banana bread...), Wai'anapanapa State Park - also spectacular (includes the Black Sand Beach, complete with little purple snails, and the islet I
called "Rabbit Rock"), a little pocket beach between Koki and Hamoa which had tons of sea glass (well, um, it used to...), and of course, Hasegawa's General Store, because how could you not go there? Didn't go to Lindbergh's grave (not a Lindbergh officianado, and hadn't I been awestruck by the view several times already?) or the Seven Sacred Pools (which aren't actually sacred, unless you're working concessions).
The whole trip was gorgeous. Heavy tropical rainforest - African tulip trees, red and pink ginger everywhere, mango trees, rainbow eucalyptus (see at left - very cool!), lots of ferns and vines worthy of Tarzan, very skinny bridges!, rain, sun, mist, rainbows, pounding surf with 20' spray, grazing cows (the ones under Fagan's cross we dubbed "holy cows"), horses, and very nice people. That's one things about Maui: anyone who's rude to you is probably a tourist.Then we stopped in Haiku at Da Factory. This is the place that makes those beautiful glass waves we saw on the first day. I'd hoped to find an imperfect one or a soft-hearted salesman who'd make me a deal, but no luck. Well, maybe next time...Stopped by Queen Ka'ahumanu Mall in Kahului to get a couple things on Keri's "would you pick this up for me while you're there?" list. Wound up going to Kihei for something else (long story), only by then it was dark and we got v-e-r-y lost! Construction, unfamiliar territory, vague directions...all this worked against us and by the time we got where we were going, it was closed. Arrgh! Finally got back to the hotel and made it to dinner around 9. A long day! And it's totally unreal that tomorrow's already our last full day here.
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