Quote of the day: "There comes a point when you just can't get any wetter." — Andie McDowell, Four Weddings and a Funeral 
We're calling this Monsoon Monday. After going to sleep to rain and hoping it would stop during the night, we woke up at 5:45 to more rain. I sleep through nearly anything, but Keri said it rained most of the night. Part of what we were hearing this morning was the sprinkler system, so we hoped it wasn't as bad out as it seemed. We decided to brave the elements and walk to the Mala Ramp to meet our snorking people.
Oh my gosh. I literally have not been wetter outside of a swimming pool. We walked blocks in the rain. No umbrellas. Pitch dark. Got splashed by a Jeep who went through a puddle and created a small tidal wave, a la Bridget Jones. All we could do was laugh. The whole episode was just too ridiculous. We made it to the boat ramp (on time!) where a young man in a baseball hat (sitting safe and dry inside a pickup truck, I might add) told us they wouldn't be taking us out in this kind of weather. We rescheduled for Thursday.
We slogged back to the Makai to find that clothes which had been previously washed still ran, bleeding color onto other clothes. Mud from the road splashed up onto our legs and capris/shorts. Things inside my tote bag were wet. Got back to our room and peeled off our clothes, toweled off, and dove into nice clean dry things. I hung my tote on a door handle; it took two days to dry. Sheesh!
Spent the day playing mutant Scrabble
(not the regulation assortment of letters) and attempting jigsaw puzzles (with missing pieces, as we found out). When a sunbreak came in the afternoon, we got ourselves to Baby Beach as quickly as possible and looked for seashells. Found lots of limpets, some curly shells, and some "potato chip" shells. The important thing was being outside!

We weren't home 20 minutes when it started raining again. I went to sleep wondering about the name of Hawaii's rain god and what we'd need to do to get him to stop...
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